Search Standard for global name matching
Precise Matches
These principles form the first part of the Linguistic Search Standard. The Precise Match Level defines the requirements for identifying name parts which are essentially the same.
Principle 1: Different transcriptions of the same name originating from Non-Latin scripts should be considered a Precise Match (e.g. Abd al Rahman = Abdurrahman).
Principle 2: Names composed of identical name parts should be matched regardless of whether any of the parts have been merged. (e.g. Hans Peter = Hanspeter, Jiang Tao = Jiangtao).
Principle 3: Names composed of identical name parts should be matched regardless of the order in which the parts are presented unless the order contributes to identification (e.g. Wang Jianhua = Jianhua Wang).
Principle 4: Identical names from Non-Western backgrounds should be matched regardless of the way in which they have been aligned to a Western name structure (e.g. first name Saddam, middle name Hussein, last name Al-Tikriti = first name Saddam, last name Hussein).
Principle 5: Established nick names and abbreviations should match to their corresponding full name parts (e.g. William = Bill, Alexandr = Sasha, Limited = Ltd).
Principle 6: The omission of peripheral name parts should not prevent a match from being identified (e.g. Vincent Browne MP = Vincent Browne; Tradexcom Inc. = Tradexcom).
These principles define matches that essentially relate to the same exact name. Additional principles should be followed if match results should also include close matches and broad matches.
Please refer to our white paper on the Linguistic Search Standard for further details of how each principle should be applied, and why.